European Medical Journal – The Four Pillars of Living Well with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


The following article is a guide on how I live my life. I have come to believe these four principals are the key to my quality of life. If you are looking to improve your quality of life I urge you to discuss the four pillars with your doctor. It has worked for me and I believe it can work for you.

The Four Pillars of Living Well with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


One response to “European Medical Journal – The Four Pillars of Living Well with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

  1. Your article on the 4 Pillars of Living Well with COPD is right on the money. The first thing I did when diagnosed was to read alot about COPD and then… read more. I noticed the differences between what others stated was “their” problem(s) and mine and then set out to tailor my own work-outs and diet.
    Especially pertinent in your article is the fact that more is being said and done on awareness than on actual funding for possible cures and/or improvements in quality of life for COPD patients.
    From my contact with the Brazilian doctor and researcher, stem cell clinical trials are progressing but take time and so need to be initiated in as many research centers as possible. In this sense unfortunately the pharmaceutical companies are more interested in providing long term stream of income than investing in cures.
    In any case, as usual, keep up the good work.

    Regards, John

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