We’re 12 weeks away from Melbourne Ironman & all is well today we completed a 120k ride after a 80k ride yesterday. The more intense the training becomes the better I feel & breathing is certainly easier. When I first started triathlons my rides were lucky to be 10 k , I couldn’t swim to save myself & running consisted of long walks as I would become to breathless. When I first told my coach that I have Lung Disease & wanted to train for a couple of Ironman Events his response was why would you want to do that to yourself ?

Easy ! Intense exercise gives me greater quality of life , so why wouldn’t I ? While I’m not saying what I do is for everyone ,maybe it can help some of you & it doesn’t have to be all day endurance events. Check with your Doctor, ask what is safe for you to do, it can start by a simple routine of a short walk everyday. For me swimming was something I always hated, I love the ocean but found swimming exhausting, now days I really enjoy it & have improved my stroke to the point I can do 3 k without getting breathless.

New Years will be the start of our next training block & I’m sure will be tougher than the last , the 20 hour training weeks are about to start , which will hopefully make us faster & stronger .

Cheers for now
Russell & Leanne

0 responses to “Training with copd

  1. Good luck with Melb. hope to see you there (I’ll besupporting a mate) and maybe at Cairns too where I will be competing.
    Can you contact me re the payment for the Wetsuit

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