3 weeks to go & we’re starting to imagine how our race is going to go, a lot will depend on the weather, 26 c fine with a northerly breeze would be nice. Looking at last years swim leg is enough to give you nightmares, hopefully we won’t have those 40kph winds & a reduction in swim distance this year.

With the mornings getting cooler I’ve notice I’m becoming more breathless & there’s not a lot I can do about it. The swim leg always worries me the most as the colder it is the harder I find it is to breath, a new wetsuit this time around I’m hoping will help. Most of all it will come down to controlling my breathing & swimming at a pace that will allow me to do that. I breath every stroke & I don’t kick when I swim this technique allows me to keep my heart rate down & control my breathing better.

I struggled with my breathing through Port Macquarie Ironman because of the cold which made it a difficult day but with a combination of improved blood circulation & fitness I’m hopeful of a better swim leg. I’m doing 1 hr 22 minutes in the pool for 3.8k which is about 10 minutes quicker than Port !

The course itself looks good, I like the idea of 1 lap rather than 2 & if we have a calm day in Port Phillip Bay I’m hoping maybe a PB !
Click on this link for a clip of last years swim http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iu6Oi5MUAcM&sns=em

Russell & Leanne

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