Finding and keeping a work-life balance

Leanne and I decided our lives weren’t busy enough so we recently opened a coffee shop on top of running our main business, so exercise time has been very limited.

It’s a common complaint by people who make exercise a part of their life – when real life stuff gets in the way, how do you fit it all in?

The cost

In reality this post is serving as a line in the sand for me: talking about the difficulties we have in finding time to exercise makes us accountable.

The truth of limited exercise for me and my condition is declining fitness levels. I notice I’m becoming more breathless and more tired.

Eventually, this can only impact my quality of life away from exercise too, so it’s time to refocus and set some exercise/event goals.

The challenge

When your training time is limited, sessions need to be less in frequency but higher in intensity. Doing this keeps my mind fresh.

So instead of going straight home after a long day of work, it will be off for a swim, run or a wind trainer session in the gym each day. We all need routine to keep us on track whether it’s for work or life in general and it’s the best way for me to fit exercise in my life.

Friends, partners, mentors or trainers can be important in keeping you focused, like my wife Leanne, and my coach Toby Somerville.

The goal

Having a particular goal in mind is also an essential motivator.

A race that I’ve wanted to do for a while is coming up in November: The Hervey Bay 100. It’s a 2k swim 80k bike and 18k run – a little shorter than Ironman but a race that will have its own challenges. The biggest challenge for me will be swimming without a wetsuit, something that I will find a little daunting over a 2k swim. A wetsuit gives me some buoyancy which in turn allows me to control my breathing better. The last time I competed in a race with no wetsuit over this distance was a real struggle and resulted in my slowest ever swim time for 2k.

Keeping focussed on specific challenges and goals like this gives you a much better chance of keeping that work-life balance.
So lookout Hervey Bay, here I come!

Ps , this week is Asthma Awareness Week in Australia so please take the time to have a look at some great information about asthma control.

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